rug cleaning santa cruz, caIf you’ve ever seen a dirty rug, you know the main reason why they should be cleaned—because they look dirty. Besides looks, however, there are other, arguably more important, reasons why rugs should be cleaned. There are professionals you can hire to do the job if you feel that you’re not up to the task, so there really isn’t any reason to forgo rug cleaning.

Why Clean My Rug?

Even if your rug doesn’t look dirty, it would serve you well to clean it or have a professional do it for you. Professional carpet and rug cleaning will ensure that they are cleaned properly so that they can stand the test of time and remain one of the things that beautify your home. The reasons listed below not only consider your home’s looks but also the health and well being of your family and loved ones.

  • A clean rug ensures better air quality in your home. Regular, professional cleaning of your rugs removes bio-pollutants from your floors and other soft furnishings. Remember that most pollutants and allergens are invisible to the naked eye. You are putting your family’s health at risk just by neglecting to have your rugs cleaned.
  • A clean rug is free from most microscopic bacteria and germs. Oftentimes, it is the things that you can’t see that make you sick. Having your rug cleaned will help avoid this scenario and keep your rug looking clean and new.
  • A clean rug is free from dust and danders. These can trigger symptoms for allergy and asthma sufferers and can also cause health problems for those who are constantly exposed to them. A vacuum cleaner and other household cleaning solutions can only go so far in cleaning your rugs.
  • A clean rug retains its color and texture. One of the main objectives of rug cleaning is restoration of its color and texture. Regular cleaning will keep your rug looking at its best.
  • A clean rug is stain-free. Rug cleaning removes stains that tend to set in over time and become very difficult to remove. It is advisable to have rugs cleaned regularly to avoid stains.
  • A clean rug protects a major investment. Your rug is one of your home’s major investments; as such, it should be protected and provided proper care and attention. Regular cleaning may cost money, but it will more than pay for its costs in the long run.

A clean home is a beautiful home—and the same goes for your rugs and carpets. Aside from complementing a well maintained home, a clean rug provides health benefits that are definitely worth the cost.

Top 5 Reasons to Clean Your Rug